Why Show Respect To All?

“Remember that the Lord is in every Christian. When your neighbor comes to you, always have great respect for him, because the Lord is in him, and often expresses His will through him. “It is God which worketh in both to will and to do His good pleasure’ (Phil 2:13). Therefore, do not grudge anything to your brother, but do unto him as unto the Lord; especially as you do...

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Consequences of Avoiding the Mystery of Confession Form

He who is accustomed to give account of his life at confession here will not fear to give an answer at the terrible judgement-seat of Christ. It is for this purpose that the mild tribunal of penitence here below, may give an answer without shame at the terrible judgment-seat of Christ. This is the first motive for sincere confession, and, moreover, it must absolutely be made every year. The longer...

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Bear Illness Bravely

“Bear any illness bravely, and do not merely become despondent, but on the contrary, rejoice, if you can, in your illness. You would ask me what there is for you to rejoice at when you are racked all over with pain? Rejoice that the Lord has sent you this temporary chastisement in order to cleanse your soul from sins. ‘For whom the Lord loves He chastens’ (Heb. 12:6). “Rejoice in...

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Fasting is an integral part of Orthodox worship, which is truly not complete without it. A strict fasts consists of eating less and abstaining from all animal products (meat, fish, dairy), alcoholic beverages and olive oil; on days with less strict fasting we are permitted wine and olive oil. There are no dietary restrictions on fast-free days. We fast on Wednesdays in commemoration of the betrayal of Christ and on...

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Understanding Our Autocephaly

Understanding Our Autocephaly

  On September 19 / October 2, 2016, the Holy Synod of the Holy Orthodox Church in North America issued its historic Synodal Affirmation of Autocephaly. This document was the fruit of years of reflection about the nature, mission, and mandate of our Church. Anyone wishing to understand the reasoning that went into the affirmation of our autocephaly, and to study the canonical, historical, and ecclesiological principles that provided the...

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October 2024
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